
Jones' Jarbs

... Things to say

| 87. J.A.R.B - Reinventing | 86. J.A.R.B - Changes | 85. J.A.R.B - What you make | 84. J.A.R.B - Wake up call | 83. J.A.R.B - To myself. | 82. J.A.R.B - Sense | 81. J.A.R.B - Loss | 80. J.A.R.B - Mad beats | 79. J.A.R.B - Work it out. | 78. J.A.R.B - Where now? | Current

Friday, June 02, 2006

88. J.A.R.B - Secretly

Secretly; sub-consciously, us humans do a lot. Almost 70% of decisions we make are made without any thought. Feelings are had secretly; sometimes even we don’t know what we desire. It’s that way in which we can do things beyond what we know. We can hurt; we can help, without even knowing it.
There’s a lot of power in letting go, and allowing the subconscious drive; at least for a little while. It’s those times when feelings really come out. Chill. You can repeat yourself; as long as it sounds good. Feel the beat. Say things you’d otherwise; and will probably end up, regretting.
So feel without thinking, desire without knowing it. Somewhere deep down, you know what I’m talking about. Think without knowing what to think of it. Pure emotion; without what you think is “right”. Only a few more moments; time to show our cards. Bluff? The real deal, this is it. No more secrets, all out; all in.
So I’ll feel without thinking, desire without you knowing it. Somewhere deep down, just maybe. You’ll find out sooner or later. Closing time, and for once; I’ve got it figured out. No regrets.
So we’ll go ahead and cry, because for once we all feel the same. And for once, we don’t need to pretend.


- Jones posted this bad boy on 7:37 PM

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i wont feel the same!
the subconcious rocks though, it's very impotant. You shoudl tell people beofre they get away, it's happened before. But first you need to know.

This bad boy was brought to you by Anonymous Anonymous on 3:42 PM   

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