
Jones' Jarbs

... Things to say

| 55. J.A.R.B - A little Napoleon, please? | 54. J.A.R.B - My conscious just got the best of me... | J.A.R.B - The top ten. | 53. J.A.R.B - Chillin | Some awesome pictures... | 52. J.A.R.B - These moments | 51. J.A.R.B - Too many explanations | 50. J.A.R.B - A beautiful story | 49. J.A.R.B - Not as simple | 48. J.A.R.B - Beyond words | Current

Friday, March 10, 2006

56. J.A.R.B - Words.

There is an amazing power beheld in the written; or spoken word. To be able to instill upon someone an idea, a though; to inspire, is a great power. These words flow; always with the unseen flaws, but those don’t matter for now, because we can see the emotions behind them. To be able to scream the word love without using l-o-v-e is an amazing capability.

And lies, oh, lies are even better. Imagine being able to get away with anything; just after a little persuasion. Imagine being able to hide hate in words for a friend. Imagine betrayal, when loyalty vanishes to deep within your conscious, deep where decisions aren’t really made, but thought up. Imagine being able to lie to yourself. To put yourself in a world where things are the way you want them to be, even though they aren’t. Imagine being able to tell yourself that there is no reason to hold back. Even when you know; just what is. Imagine being able to let the words, the thoughts, the meanings; flow without restrain, imagine life without these minutes I spend attempting to say what nobody can, what no word can sum up. Emotion; everything at once, all sides of this everlasting story we call life. Imagine sitting down and simply letting it out, letting it all out, the good and the bad. Imagine someone reading this and knowing exactly how I feel. That won’t ever happen, but for only one reason. I am not you. You are not me. But we can still get by; you get my drift at least, don’t you? Imagine not having to hold back those thoughts of hate and love, of distrust and honesty, imagine if we couldn’t. That would cause the ultimate anarchy. And so, because I don’t really know where I’m going with this, I’ll stop. Until next time something inspires me, farewell.

- Jones posted this bad boy on 7:20 PM

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Now, Imagine if someone you knew did that do you. I bet you could imagine how thatd feel. Uh... I totally agree with everything. There are no words for the emotions that really get to you. happy, sad, angry, jealous... bullshit. Just letters to me. Im glad you wrote this. (y)

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