
Jones' Jarbs

... Things to say

| 3. J.A.R.B - The truth | 2. J.A.R.B - MSN continued | 1. J.A.R.B - Life | Current

Thursday, February 23, 2006

4. J.A.R.B - MSN

MSN has given a few people the chance for what I can see as an act of desperation. These people were offered a quick opportunity to get out of the constant "beam" of pressures raining down from above, by jumping into a relationship, in most cases with someone they don't truly know. MSN has increased the amount of people they can escape this beam with.

Just being able to display the fact that they are in that relationship can boost their self esteem, it can make other people think higher of the person in the relationship, jealous even. But what happens is this, after these people are all of a sudden out of this "beam", they start to realize what they did. They maybe start to realize just how desperate they were to escape, and to what extent they went to, just to do so.

These people were so changed by the pressure, that they didn't realize what they were doing. This happens to such an extent, that, when given time to make the decision in peace, a lot of them choose to undo their actions.

To put it simply, I think that msn has given people the opportunity to have something they are pressured quite a bit to have. What is being offered to them, in this little metaphor of mine, is fake. But they only see it as security. They are blinded by the constant pressures of society, and they decide to take the quick way out. In the end it amounts to absolutely nothing, I guess just another life lesson learned. Think about this next time you're about to take the quick way out, it's not always, and is most often, the wrong way.

- Jones posted this bad boy on 3:15 PM

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