
Jones' Jarbs

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

1. J.A.R.B - Life

For those of you sitting there saying to yourself, "wow, is he really gonna try to answer what the meaning of life is"... I am. So, starting from the beginning, how did we get here? To me, it seems that all the right atoms just fell into a good spot, and then Darwin kicked in with his famous series of mistakes. Funny how that is, that constant little mutation in each generation has lead to us, and all of our intelligence. And all of our destruction.

Well then, on to the meaning. I'll give you a hint; it starts with an f, and ends with a fun. Mhhhm. I believe the entire reason we're here on earth, is to have fun. Just think about it. When it all boils down, after you've failed miserably throughout life , or succeeded past anyone dreams. No matter how many favor's you've done, no matter how many A's you got. If you can't say that you've had fun, then what are you left with? No good memories. No times to look back on and smile about, even when you're looking into the teeth of your demise. No funny things to laugh about in the middle of a language class. So if you're sitting there thinking about things you would have rather not done, rather not have happened, rather not seen, or heard, just try to think about the positive. All of the things you can be happy about, and try to smile. You might just find out how good it feels

- Jones posted this bad boy on 2:52 PM

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