
Jones' Jarbs

... Things to say

| 20. J.A.R.B - Three Day Road | 19. J.A.R.B - Quotes - Few and far between | 18. J.A.R.B - Friends | 17. J.A.RB - Angels and Demons - Last quote | 16. J.A.R.B - A Fake World? | 15. J.A.R.B - Angels and Demons - Many quotes | 14. J.A.R.B - "Love" | 13. J.A.R.B - Angels and Demons - Antimatter | 12. J.A.R.B - FH Radio | 11. J.A.R.B - What if? | Current

Thursday, February 23, 2006

21. J.A.R.B - Lies

To be honest, I think lies play an important role in todays society. Here's the blog that inspired this one.

Recent studies show that people lie on average 3 times per 5 minutes of talking. Not big lies, but you know. I think that lies have become a part of our society, it always has been, it always will be. When someone asks you if you're ok, you're probably not, and yet, the most common answer is; "yeah i'm fine". Truth is, that's a lie. Now, if that answer were "no i'm not, here's what's wrong" Everyone would know exactly how you felt. Everyone would know everything. Wouldn't that be a bit akward? If I came to school tomorrow, and told everyone what I thought about them, there would be alot of akwardness, and maybe even some hurt. If you told me how you honestly felt about me, I might not like it. It could help, as honesty does that sometimes. But here's the thing. We evolved with human nature, and human nature evolved with us. It's just like selfishness. The ones who stayed back with the wounded, would die with the wounded. It's a simple aspect of humanity. We lie, we don't want the other guy to win. And there lies my point. Without lies, we would live in a corruptplace without kindness. Because, to be honest, lies are at the foundation of a kind person. If I pointed out that mustard on those badly matching pants, you wouldn't think of me as a nice person. If I told you I loved the pants, you'd like me for saying it.

When you boil it all down, what you're left with is human nature. Not a complex person, a simple instinctive pattern mapped and changed by life experiences.

07 January, 2006 21:06

- Jones posted this bad boy on 3:43 PM

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