... Things to say
| 18. J.A.R.B - Friends | 17. J.A.RB - Angels and Demons - Last quote | 16. J.A.R.B - A Fake World? | 15. J.A.R.B - Angels and Demons - Many quotes | 14. J.A.R.B - "Love" | 13. J.A.R.B - Angels and Demons - Antimatter | 12. J.A.R.B - FH Radio | 11. J.A.R.B - What if? | 10. J.A.R.B - Angels and Demons - Antimatter | 9. J.A.R.B - quotes from "Angels and Demons" | Current
I've started reading the book "Three Day Road" By Joseph Boyden. It's a story of a native who comes back from world war two, without a leg, and addicted to morphine. He recalls his experiences while on a three day trip to his homeland by canoe with his aunt. In the first 25 pages I've already found a few good quotes.
- "I've always known men aren't meant to fly"
- "The campfire hisses. I should sit closer by it, but the light hurts my eyes."
- "As I march away with the others into the night I wonder what kind of a sign that the first time I am under fire it is from my own side."
- "The rain falls harder and soon I can't tell the guns from thunder."
- "'You are acting like rabbits' He says. 'It is time to act like wolves', and these are the perfect words. I can almost hear the backs of the men around me stiffen and the hairs on their necks bristle and it is exactly this, to be the hunter and not the hunted, that will keep me alive. This law is the same law as in the bush. Turn your fear and panic into the sharp blade of survival."
05 January, 2006 17:36